Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Right Platform for Business


When you’re busy running your business, it’s impossible to find time to be active on every social media platform due to busy schedule. Selection of any of the social platform will allow to focus the efforts and get the best return on your time investment. So how to choose the best social media platform for your business?

 1. The first step is to identify the type of audience. One should know the answers of the following questions because it will make the decision easier:

▪︎Who is the typical customer?

▪︎How old are they?

▪︎Are they male or female?

▪︎What is their income and education level?

▪︎What are they interested in outside of the product and service?

One should answer to these questions in order to help build out a profile of your audience.

 2. One should have proper goals after you know your audience. The main goal for starting or running the business is to drive sales by attracting customers. While some brands use social media platforms to drive brand recognition and to develop friendly relationships with different types of buyers and some use social media for customer support.

Not only does it free up their phone lines, but it gives satisfied customers an opportunity to promote their brand.

When it comes to creating your social media goals, brainstorm a list of both typical and unusual ways social media could work for your brand.

3. Now that you have your audience profiled and the goals defined then it is the time to find the audience. To do this, one has to choose which platform the audience uses by looking at the demographics of the users on each platform. One should also have the knowledge of how active is the audience on that platform. For example, while young Facebook users may have profiles, they’re more active on Instagram or TikTok. Besides demographics and engagement, you’ll also want to look at how individuals use the platform.

Some of the major social media platforms to help you find the audience are:


▪︎Facebook is used more than 2.7 billion users which is that’s larger than the population of China. It is important to remember how individuals use Facebook: to build relationships, keep contact with old friends and also make new friends.

▪︎Facebook is a good platform for building the loyalty of existing customer base. 

▪︎Disadvantage of Facebook is that it may be hard to reach a new audience; due to these posts have a limited reach-even within own networks.

▪︎ Facebook cannot be said as the best option, but if someone wants to build a strong and dedicated relationship then it is the best way to keep in touch with them and will be a great option for the business.


▪︎Twitter is an excellent platform to build awareness for the brand. 

▪︎It has been working by utilizing the hashtag which helps to organizes conversations around a word and phrase.

▪︎ By searching hashtags, one will get the knowledge of what people are talking about so you can craft the tweets to take part in popular conversations.

▪︎Twitter is used for trending topics an offer and is used by news outlets to find stories.

▪︎ Twitter is often used to provide real time updates to an audience, many brands combine Twitter with offline engagement, such as events.


▪︎Pinterest is used for “scrapbooking” and.in other words can be used for saving content by “pinning” photos and videos to a virtual bulletin board.

 ▪︎Female users dominate the Pinterest demographic is almost dominated by female users.

▪︎ Some of the widely used pins are recipes, style ideas, striking photographs, and DIY crafts. 

▪︎ There is a strong need for graphics to engage users as it is a visual based platform.

▪︎For the successful business there should be proper use of Pinterest which has been linked to strong retail sales.


▪︎ YouTube is a social networking platform which increases 2.3 billion users and its reach is extending day by day. 

▪︎There is no need to sign up for being a user to view content on YouTube.

▪︎ It 9has become one of the biggest search engine platforms. 

▪︎Many of the searches start from “How To” videos.

▪︎ Service industry businesses will offer this type of content work well on this platform which are included with lifestyle and educational videos.


▪︎LinkedIn is very utilized platform and is being used by older audiences.

▪︎ It helps to increase the largest users between the ages of 30-49. 

▪︎Because of its narrow focus, LinkedIn is very unique.

▪︎It is used by the users to search for jobs and to network professionally.

▪︎ This platform is also very useful for B2B lead generation and general networking as recruiting employees.


▪︎Instagram is one of the fastest-growing platforms today and is very famous among young generations.

▪︎Like Pinterest, it also relies on photos and videos for conversation.

▪︎This platform works very well for visual-based businesses, like art, food, retail, and beauty because of its popularity and there is very less noise than Facebook. This means the platform is useful for generating leads because your reach is wider.


▪︎TikTok is now-a-days very known and popular for its short videos. 

▪︎It is best for businesses which are visual-based like art, food, retail, beauty, and some service industries like Pinterest and Instagram. 

▪︎TikTok has a very young demographic and is very useful for targeting the 18-24 age group by building a great brand awareness.

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1 comment:

  1. Best trends in web development in 2024:

    AI and Machine Learning Integration: Expect to see more websites utilizing AI and machine learning algorithms to personalize user experiences, provide better recommendations, and automate repetitive tasks.

    Voice Search Optimization: With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices and assistants, web developers will likely focus on optimizing websites for voice search to enhance user accessibility and convenience.

    Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs offer a native app-like experience within a web browser, including offline functionality and push notifications. As they continue to gain traction, more businesses may adopt PWAs to improve user engagement and retention.

    Single Page Applications (SPAs): SPAs provide a seamless user experience by dynamically updating content without requiring full page reloads. In 2024, we may see further adoption of SPAs for their responsiveness and fluidity.

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